Curated Sessions
Curated Sessions
A 60-minute one-on-one mentorship video call with Emily tailored to your needs.
Bring your questions and we’ll focus on one or a few key areas you’re looking for guidance on. You’ll leave with steps you can immediately put into action!
Boost your growth with a package of 3 calls that can be conducted any time over a 6-month period.
Single Session Includes:
-Your call recording (don’t worry about having to remember it all!)
-1 week of email support after your call
Add the Art Print Empire mini course ($125 value) to a single session for $50
3-Session Package Includes:
-Your call recordings (don’t worry about having to remember it all!)
-2 weeks of email support after each call
-BONUS free enrollment in the Art Print Empire mini course ($125 value)
Once your order has been placed, Emily will get in touch to schedule a day & time with you. Calls are conducted over Zoom.
Already purchased Art Print Empire separately? You can still get bundle pricing on Curated Sessions! Get in touch before booking and I will send you a discount code.